Habitat Management Services
Quit Dreaming, Start Doing!
Creating and maintaining high quality wildlife habitat takes time, knowledge, capital and dedication.
Chances are your time is limited by work and family commitments. Maybe your property is too far away to visit on a regular basis, or perhaps you don't have the necessary equipment to get the work done efficiently.
Let West Wildlife help you maximize the time you get to spend in the woods by making sure your property has the elements needed to attract and hold wildlife.
Timber Stand Improvement

Food Plot Design, Creation & Matinenance

Habitat Management

Timber Stand Improvement work not only benefits wildlife by providing cover and browse, it's going to increase timber production in the future.
If your hoping to have fields full of brown stalks and white antlers in the fall have us develop, create and maintain a food plot plan.
This buck was harvested on one of the properties West Wildlife did habitat management work on. Contact us today to keep your freezer full!
Additional Services Offered
Wildlife Habitat Consulting // Bedding/Nesting Cover Enhancements // Herbicide Spraying // Soil Testing & Planting Recommendations // Invasive Species Management // Fruit Tree Planting and Pruning // Predator Control // Shooting House/Blind Construction